The Mac App Store sandbox deadline has finally arrived on June 1. What does this exactly mean for existing, non-sandboxed apps? I see existing apps in the Mac App Store that are not sandboxed and yet were updated just a few days ago, clearly after the deadline. One of the developer mails from Apple says:
If you have an existing app on the Mac App Store that is not sandboxed, you may still submit bug fix updates after June 1.
Does Apple say what constitutes a bugfix release? Is there also a deadline on this, or will the bugfix updates be accepted indefinitely? Will Apple eventually pull the non-sandboxed apps from the store, or can they survive indefinitely?
To answer my own question:
The quote from the developer e-mail already states that bugfixes will be accepted for non-sandboxed apps. No idea about what constitutes a bugfix update, I guess it’s just anything apart from a new app release.
There’s an official FAQ listed in the sandbox resource center. The FAQ states that apps that were in the store before June 1 will remain in the store even without adopting the sandbox.