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Observer pattern Or DataBinding

My question is, would you implement the Observer pattern, or use databinding to do the following:

At the moment, i'm initializing a list of GuiDataObj. When an event is triggered, I look up the GuiDataObjById and then modify the object, which is databound to a GuiElement; which updates the GUI.

There are several GuiElements (at the moment are all of the same type, but this could change in the future), I want to be able to modify a class object, and have the GuiElement to auto-magically update the GuiElement with the reflected change.

public class GuiElement : ObservableImpl
    private string guiElementName;
    public String GuiElementName
        get { return guiElementName; }
            guiElementName = value;

    private string status;
    public String Status
        get { return status; }
            status = value;

public interface IObserver
    void Notify<T>(T watchObj);

public interface IObservable
    void Register(IObserver observer);
    void UnRegister(IObserver observer);

public class ObservableImpl : IObservable

    protected Hashtable _observerContainer = new Hashtable();

    public void Register(IObserver anObserver)
        _observerContainer.Add(anObserver, anObserver);

    public void UnRegister(IObserver anObserver)

    public void NotifyObservers<T>(T anObject)
        foreach (IObserver anObserver in _observerContainer.Keys)

And then have my GuiElement update the Gui when notified of a change?

public partial class GuiElementControl : UserControl, IObserver

    public GuiElementControl()

    #region Implementation of IObserver

    public void Notify<T>(T watchObj)
        if (watchObj is GuiElement)

    private static void UpdateGui(object obj)
        GuiElement element = obj as GuiElement;
        if (element != null)
            NameLbl.Text = element.GuiElementName;
            StatusLbl.Text = element.Status;


would it be a more flexible design if I implemented data binding, instead of notifying an observer of changes? I guess what I'm really asking is, what's the most flexible way of visually representing a business object, that constantly has updates in real-time.

alt text


  • I'd use an Observer. GUIs that auto-update their values when the underlying model/data they represent changes is one of the classic examples of using the Observer pattern.