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Using the scrollwheel in GNU screen

How can I set up GNU screen to allow the mouse's scrollwheel to scroll around in the scrollback buffer? I tried to Google about this, but most hits were on how to allow applications inside screen to use the scrollwheel.


  • I believe you can just add a line like this to your ~/.screenrc:

    termcapinfo xterm* ti@:te@

    Where "xterm*" is a glob match of your current TERM. To confirm it works, ^A^D to detach from your screen, then screen -d -r to reattach, then ls a few times, and try to scroll back. It works for me.

    What is this magic? Well, let's consult the manual pages.

    screen(1) says:

    termcapinfo term terminal-tweaks [window-tweaks]
      The first argument specifies which terminal(s) should be affected by this
      definition. You can specify multiple terminal names by separating them with
      `|'s. Use `*' to match all terminals and `vt*' to match all terminals that
      begin with "vt".
      Some examples:
          termcap xterm*  LP:hs@
      Informs screen that all terminals that begin with `xterm' have firm
      auto-margins that allow the last position on the screen to be updated (LP),
      but they don't really have a status line (no 'hs' -  append  `@'  to turn
      entries off).  Note that we assume `LP' for all terminal names that start
      with "vt", but only if you don't specify a termcap command for that terminal.

    From termcap(5):

    String capabilities
        te   End program that uses cursor motion
        ti   Begin program that uses cursor motion