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parenthetical units in regex returning extra matches

I'm new to regex and have been struggling with one, and have abstracted my problem to the following issue:

var foo = "abc";
var array1 = match(/abc/);
var array2 = match(/a(b)c/);

array1 will of course contain only "abc", but array2 will contain both "abc" and also "b".
Why does array2 pick up "b" as well? This is a problem to me because I am matching some things inside braces like "{1 2a 3}", with a regex like /\{(\d(|a|b)\s?)+\}/, and the resulting array returns the empty string and "3" as well as the desired "{1 2a 3}".

Thank you!


  • Use (?:) instead of ().


    When you use (), match return matched groups also. Groups are the part of the string that are correspondent to parts of the regular expression, which are in ().