I were trying to add cabal-install
and Cabal-install
to .cabal file but.
At least the following dependencies are missing: Cabal-install -any
Why there is no cabal-install
So how can I get Distribution.Client.IndexUtils
except of embedding cabal-install sources?
and Distribution.Client.IndexUtils
Or maybe I can replace it with something?
Unfortunately, cabal-install
is a package that provides an executable, but no library. Therefore, there is no easy way to use functionality provided by cabal-install
in other tools. A common approach is to write wrapper programs that invoke the cabal
binary and query it for information.
Having some of the functionality of cabal-install
available as a library is a valid and reasonable goal, but it might take a while before this happens.
As to the error message: If a package installs only an executable, it is not registered as a library with GHC. Therefore, if you list cabal-install
as a dependency of another package, you will get the error message that cabal-install
is missing (as a library).