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System-level vs application-level package distribution

If I create a FOSS command-line utility (i.e. an application rather than a library) and I want to distribute it as a package for convenient installation, is it better practice to do this via:

NB. If you believe there is no generally correct practice but rather that there are particular circumstances under which one or the other approach is clearly best, then what are these circumstances?


  • It seems to me that the procedure followed in the case of applications whose users are happy with the way they're distributed, is roughly as follows:

    enter image description here

    Take, for example:

    • Bundler: written in Ruby and useful to Ruby developers; distributed via application-level package.
    • fwknop: written in Perl (originally, at least) and useful to end-users; distributed via systems-level packages/installers.
    • Pandoc: written in Haskell and may be useful to Haskell developers in the course of developing Haskell applications, but also useful to others; distributed both via application-level and via systems-level packages.

    There are probably better examples than these. Also, my conclusions so far are just observational ones: I haven't found a reference laying out this decision flow explicitly. As such, I'd welcome a more comprehensive answer.

    NB. The code for the flowchart is online, in case you'd like to adapt it for your answer. To be able to use it, you'll need a working LaTeX installation.