I'm opening a local file using UIWebView:loadRequest with an NSURLRequest which is in turn set from a URL.
The base location for url is obtained using:
baseDirectory = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLForDirectory:NSApplicationSupportDirectory
create: YES
This returns a URL of the form:
However when the UIWebViewDelegate shouldStartLoadForRequest:(NSURLRequest*) method gets called the NSURLRequest that is passed has changed to the following:
Both of these therefore reference the same file, however I have a situation where I need to make a comparison between the two (I needs to compare the /ABC/XYZ/page.html parts) and NSURL:isEqual returns NO when comparing the two.
Is there either: a) a method of NSFileManager that will return file:///var/mobile/... instead of file://localhost/var/mobile/...
b) easily extract just the /ABC/XYZ/page.html part and perform the comparison on that?
If you know that both files will always be on the same machine, then [[URL1 path] isEqualToString:[URL2 path]]
The following unit tests pass:
- (void)testURLPath
NSURL *URL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"file://localhost/foo/bar/baz"];
NSString *path = [URL path];
STAssertEqualObjects(path, @"/foo/bar/baz", nil);
- (void)testURLPathCompare
NSURL *URL1 = [NSURL URLWithString:@"file://localhost/foo/bar/baz"];
NSURL *URL2 = [NSURL URLWithString:@"file:///foo/bar/baz"];
NSString *path1 = [URL1 path];
NSString *path2 = [URL2 path];
STAssertTrue([path1 isEqualToString:path2], nil);
STAssertTrue([[URL1 path] isEqualToString:[URL2 path]], nil);