I'm playing with StringTemplate version as a view engine for an MVC project. I can't seem to access an object being passed to the template and have it render on a webpage. So basically, I have the the following in the controller (in C#):
var layer1 = new { count = "1", label = "Description" };
var layer2 = new { count = "2", label = "Transcription" };
ViewData["layers"] = new object[] {layer1,layer2};
On the view file test.st, I have:
The template does not display anything on the webpage, but if I do this on the test.st:
it displays the object as:
{ count=1, label=Description } { count=2, label=Transcription }
which looks like to me a string. So how do I access just the count and the label independently? I've googled a lot already and can't seem to find anything that would fix my problem.
By the way, I'm using Visual Studio V10 and .NET Framework Version4. On the project I have References to Antlr3.Runtime, Antlr3.Runtime.Debug and Antlr3.StringTemplate dlls. Also, I have no problems accessing simple string objects. I've used the tutorial project in here. I can supply more details if required.
Are the count and label fields public or, if they are getters, are they public?