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Page Access Token Expiration Doesn't Match Official Documentation

I'm seeing inconsistencies between Facebook' stated policy regarding the expiration time of Page access tokens, and the expiration time for tokens obtained through my application.

According to regarding the new access token policies effective July 5th:

"When a user grants an app the manage_pages permission, the app is able to obtain page access tokens for pages that the user administers by querying the [User ID]/accounts Graph API endpoint. With the migration enabled, when using a short-lived user access token to query this endpoint, the page access tokens obtained are short-lived as well.

Exchange the short-lived user access token for a long-lived access token using the endpoint and steps explained earlier. By using a long-lived user access token, querying the [User ID]/accounts endpoint will now provide page access tokens that do not expire for pages that a user manages."

In my authentication flow, I retrieve a 2 month token along with the manage_pages permission (migration is enabled). I then use this token to request Page access tokens via the [User ID]/accounts endpoint. The Page access token I'm getting back are shown to expire in 2 months according to Facebook's policy (above) seems to state that these tokens should never expire.

Can someone help explain what's going on?


  • It seems that the community agrees that this is a bug. View the Facebook bug page at: