I have a big project going on my company where i have to develop to IOS, Android, symbian, Windows Phone and blackberry, after hearing and researching about Phonegap i'm really considering using it however i would like to know if there are and which are the existing requirements / limitations regarding developing with Phonegap for these platforms.
Is there somekind of mark of from which "generation" of mobile device Phonegap is optimal for these platforms ? Is there an optimal release of said OS for Phonegap ? Is there a feature that doesn't work on said OS version / device ?
I'm still researching this on the web but if someone here could lend me a hand on this matter it would be awesome !
PS : Seems like symbian development is based on Nokia's Web Runtime (WRT) so that makes it's rock-bottom Symbian S60 5th Edition and S60 3rd Ed. FP2.
PS': Blackberry seems to support 4.5 RIM till the most recent ones ?