I am using IIS Express in Visual Studio 2010 and right now it runs on localhost:61156. But I need it to run on a domain. Is it possible to make IIS Express to run on devserver.com, instead of localhost:61156? So basically when I run debug I want devserver,com, instead of localhost:61156. I've come across a few things on google, but no luck. Any ideas on how to do this?
Do the following
and change it to <IISUrl>http://devserver.com:61156/</IISUrl>
Open %userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\applicationhost.config file
Visual Studio 2015 now puts an applicationhost.config file specific to your project instead of using the global one. It is located at: /path/to/code/root/.vs/config/applicationhost.config
<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:61156:devserver.com" /> devserver.com