Search code examples

Jquery Autocomplete case sensitive for utf-8 characters

I am using jquery autocomplete plugin to search in a long list of names. It works fine for all latin and english characters, but with turkish characters I have problems, as the search will be case sensitive eg:

A and a would match all the cities containing the A or a.

İ and i would not match cities like İstambul and İzmir

This is the code:

<label for="PROVINCE_AC_LEFT" class="
      PROVINCE_AC_LEFT">İl</label><input   type="text" name="PROVINCE_AC_LEFT_autocomplete_label"  id="PROVINCE_AC_LEFT_autocomplete_label" 
             value="" maxlength="" size=""/><input   type="hidden" name="PROVINCE_AC_LEFT"  id="PROVINCE_AC_LEFT" 
             value="" />
             $(function() {

                            var tags_PROVINCE_AC_LEFT = [

               { label: "Van" , value: "6500" },

               { label: "Yozgat" , value: "6600" },

               { label: "Zonguldak" , value: "6700" },

               { label: "Aksaray" , value: "6800" },

               { label: "Bayburt" , value: "6900" },

               { label: "Karaman" , value: "7000" },

               { label: "Kırıkkale" , value: "7100" },

               { label: "Batman" , value: "7200" },

               { label: "Şırnak" , value: "7300" },

               { label: "Bartın" , value: "7400" },

               { label: "Ardahan" , value: "7500" },

               { label: "Iğdır" , value: "7600" },

               { label: "Yalova" , value: "7700" },

               { label: "Karabük" , value: "7800" },

               { label: "Kilis" , value: "7900" },

               { label: "Osmaniye" , value: "8000" },

               { label: "Düzce" , value: "8100" },

               { label: "Adana" , value: "0100" },

               { label: "Adıyaman" , value: "0200" },

               { label: "Afyonkarahisar" , value: "0300" },

               { label: "Ağrı" , value: "0400" },

               { label: "Amasya" , value: "0500" },

               { label: "Ankara" , value: "0600" },

               { label: "Antalya" , value: "0700" },

               { label: "Artvin" , value: "0800" },

               { label: "Aydın" , value: "0900" },

               { label: "Balıkesir" , value: "1000" },

               { label: "Bilecik" , value: "1100" },

               { label: "Bingöl" , value: "1200" },

               { label: "Bitlis" , value: "1300" },

               { label: "Bolu" , value: "1400" },

               { label: "Burdur" , value: "1500" },

               { label: "Bursa" , value: "1600" },

               { label: "Çanakkale" , value: "1700" },

               { label: "Çankırı" , value: "1800" },

               { label: "Çorum" , value: "1900" },

               { label: "Denizli" , value: "2000" },

               { label: "Diyarbakır" , value: "2100" },

               { label: "Edirne" , value: "2200" },

               { label: "Elazığ" , value: "2300" },

               { label: "Erzincan" , value: "2400" },

               { label: "Erzurum" , value: "2500" },

               { label: "Eskişehir" , value: "2600" },

               { label: "Gaziantep" , value: "2700" },

               { label: "Giresun" , value: "2800" },

               { label: "Gümüşhane" , value: "2900" },

               { label: "Hakkari" , value: "3000" },

               { label: "Hatay" , value: "3100" },

               { label: "Isparta" , value: "3200" },

               { label: "Mersin" , value: "3300" },

               { label: "İstanbul" , value: "3400" },

               { label: "İzmir" , value: "3500" },

               { label: "Kars" , value: "3600" },

               { label: "Kastamonu" , value: "3700" },

               { label: "Kayseri" , value: "3800" },

               { label: "Kırklareli" , value: "3900" },

               { label: "Kırşehir" , value: "4000" },

               { label: "Kocaeli" , value: "4100" },

               { label: "Konya" , value: "4200" },

               { label: "Kütahya" , value: "4300" },

               { label: "Malatya" , value: "4400" },

               { label: "Manisa" , value: "4500" },

               { label: "Kahramanmaraş" , value: "4600" },

               { label: "Mardin" , value: "4700" },

               { label: "Muğla" , value: "4800" },

               { label: "Muş" , value: "4900" },

               { label: "Nevşehir" , value: "5000" },

               { label: "Niğde" , value: "5100" },

               { label: "Ordu" , value: "5200" },

               { label: "Rize" , value: "5300" },

               { label: "Sakarya" , value: "5400" },

               { label: "Samsun" , value: "5500" },

               { label: "Siirt" , value: "5600" },

               { label: "Sinop" , value: "5700" },

               { label: "Sivas" , value: "5800" },

               { label: "Tekirdağ" , value: "5900" },

               { label: "Tokat" , value: "6000" },

               { label: "Trabzon" , value: "6100" },

               { label: "Tunceli" , value: "6200" },

               { label: "Şanlıurfa" , value: "6300" },

               { label: "Uşak" , value: "6400" },


                            $( "#PROVINCE_AC_LEFT_autocomplete_label" ).autocomplete({
                                source: tags_PROVINCE_AC_LEFT,
                                select: function(event, ui) {
                                    var selectedObj = ui.item;
                                    $( "#PROVINCE_AC_LEFT_autocomplete_label" ).val(selectedObj.label);
                                    $( "#PROVINCE_AC_LEFT" ).val(selectedObj.value);
                                    return false;
                                focus: function( event, ui ) { $(this).val( ui.item.label ); return false; }


An example can be found at the second page of the registration questionnaire :


  • I would recommend taking a look at the accent map demo on the jQueryUI examples page. The idea in the demo is to map accent characters to non-accented characters using a hash. I would change your code to look like that demo:

        source: function(request, response) {
            var matcher = new RegExp($.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(request.term), "i");
            response($.grep(tags_PROVINCE_AC_LEFT, function(value) {
                value = value.label || value.value || value;
                return matcher.test(value) || matcher.test(normalize(value));
        select: function(event, ui) {
            var selectedObj = ui.item;
            return false;
        focus: function(event, ui) {
            return false;


    (I've only added a few character mappings in the demo)