I've instaled MySQL workbench in Windows 7 64bit. Unfortunately, I'm facing problems:
In the Object Browser, when I click on my DB and right click on tables to create one, I can not insert any column (disabled) and therefore, can not insert tables. check this: Can not create table in MySQL workbench 5.2.40
I can create table from the EER model. But even though, I faced problems when tried to connect my Java application to this database. MySQL and Java: table doesn't exist
I have searched, and not sure from this, some of what I found is that workbench have probelms with Windows 7 - 64 bit (any idea if this is correct??). The only version I found was for 68, it installed successfully but I'm having probems.
I want to downlod MySQL server but before that: Will Mysql Server give me the same features that the workbench does? I need to work with GUI (insert, delete, update,..etc).
Also, the table I added using the EER are not visible in the Object browser. I only can see the schema in the Object browser without any table underneath it.
Both are for manipulate the structure, queries and function, procedure, etc....
In Both you can Use DML and DDL
If you ask me I love Server even if you can create really cool designs on workbench, but basically you can do the same in both (insert, delete, update,..etc and more)
So it's up to you, I think MySQL server is a little bit lighter that Workbench, but if you want to, try it both.
Workbench looks like more friendly