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Formatting console Output

I'm having trouble making python print out texts properly aligned. I have tried everything I knew, but still the same result and it's very annoying!.

Here is what I'm getting in the console enter image description here

Here is the Code I have.

print " FileName\t\t\t\t\tStatus\t\tBinary Type\n"  

for files in PASS:
    log = subprocess.check_output(['dumpbin','/HEADERS',files])
    if arch64 in log:
        print" %s \t\t\t\tPASSED\t\t 64-bit \t\t  " %files 
    elif arch32 in log:
        print" %s \t\t\t\tPASSED\t\t 32-bit \t\t  " %files
for files in FAILED:

    print" %s \t\t\t\t  FAILED \t\t        " %files

print "\n\n


  • Use %45s to make a right justified field that is 45 characters long. And use %-45s to make a left justified string. Also consider extracting your line printing into a function - that way you'll be able to change it easily in one place. Like this:

    # fake setup 
    PASS = ["foo.exe", "bar.exe", "really_long_filename.exe"]
    FAILED = ["failed.exe"]
    types = ["32-bit", "64-bit", "64-bit"]
    arch64 = '64'
    arch32 = '32'
    # your code
    def print_row(filename, status, file_type):
        print " %-45s %-15s %15s" % (filename, status, file_type)
    print_row('FileName', 'Status', 'Binary Type')
    for files in PASS:
        log = types.pop()
        if arch64 in log:
            print_row(files, 'PASSED', '64-bit')
        elif arch32 in log:
            print_row(files, 'PASSED', '32-bit')
    for files in FAILED:
            print_row(files, 'FAILED', '')
    print "\n\n"