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Create Fossil repository from existing project files

I'd expect this to be explained in the beginner's quick start guide, because almost everyone who starts with fossil will have projects that he wants to start managing with fossil. Yet I could not find an explanation anywhere in the documentation.

(I'm coming from git, which was way too heavy for my needs, but at least creating a new repository in an existing folder was easy ...)

(tried to answer my question but have insufficient reputation. so here it is:)

I think I figured it out myself. Here's what I did, for beginners:

  1. Create directory for repositories, C:\www\fossil
  2. Enter fossil directory
  3. fossil init projectname
  4. Enter directory of existing project C:\www\projectname
  5. fossil open ../fossil/projectname
  6. fossil add *.*


  • Some comments:

    • Step 3. can be alternatively done with fossil new instead of fossil init.
    • Step 6 should be fossil add .; this is recursive. fossil does not abide by the old, Microsoft rule that states *.* means every single file even without extension. fossil add *.* will merely add all files and directories that contain a dot in their name.
    • Step 7 should be fossil commit -m "Initial contents of my project"