I want to get the terminal userID by using whoami command. I have given my script below, but it just returns the command name, instead of username?
How can I get terminal user id using whoami command?
My code is,
send "whoami\r"
set timeout 5
expect -re {([a-z]+)} {
set jobid $expect_out(0,string)
send_user "\r\nUSER $jobid\r\n"
Output for the above code is,
asisdtt-exp7$ whoami
USER whoami
asisdtt-exp7$ exit
When I hardcode the first letter of my expected userID (kandabap), I am getting the answer correct. That code is,
send "whoami\r"
set timeout 5
expect -re {k([a-z]+)} {
set jobid $expect_out(0,string)
send_user "\r\nUSER $jobid\r\n"
asisdtt-exp7$ whoami
USER kandabap
I am very much confused.
I'm not sure what you're really trying to do, but this will work just fine:
log_user 0
spawn whoami
expect eof
set jobid $expect_out(buffer)
puts "USER $jobid"
Of course, none of that's really needed. You can do the same thing using plain TCL:
puts "USER [exec whoami]"