I have implemented an application using jQuery on PhoneGap.
In that I'm using a split view with two panels left& right.
in left panel when I select a list item for page 1 it shows the page1 in Right panel.
in page 1 I have a button "page1 info==>" that moves page1 to the detailed information of page1 in next page.
in detailed page I have a back "xPage1" button which returns to the previous page i.e. page1.
in back button implementation I have a condition that I couldn't used id of page to return to page 1
as href="#page1"
<a href="#page1" id="" data-role="button" data-icon="delete" class="ui-btn-left" data-theme="c">Page1</a>
So I used data-rel="back"
<a href="#" data-rel="back" data-role="button" data-icon="delete" class="ui-btn-left" data-theme="c">Page1</a>
yes it return to the previous page fine.
but when we returns the selected button on page1 its stay highlighted so longer
. it is due to data-rel="back"
I need two requirements here
Instead of giving data-rel="back"
, just give in the href link of Go to Pg-1 in xPage1. And make the Button highlight in default.