I've seen in it in the primary CLR dll, mscorlib.dll, and I've seen in it in this CLR Profiling API interface, ICorProfilerCallback2.
Just curious: what does the word 'Cor' stand for?
"Common Object Runtime"
For more, see:
cor: Before .NET was chosen as the name, this new platform was a successor to COM so it was codenamed COM 3.0 and then the name chosen was… Common Object Runtime (cor) and that is where mscorlib derives its name from (and that stuck regardless of the fact that .NET was the final name)!
EDIT: Here's an interesting addendum from Jeffrey Richter's book
When Microsoft first started working on the .NET Framework, MSCorLib.dll was an acronym for Microsoft Common Object Runtime Library. Once ECMA started to standardize the CLR and parts of the FCL, MSCorLib.dll officially became the acronym for Multilanguage Standard Common Object Runtime Library.