So, I am creating a bunch of temporary files from backing up some google docs in python. I have already made the appropriate copies of these files os.copy. Now I am ready to delete them. I created them like this:
line =
title = entry.title.text
splitLine = line.split('/')
key = splitLine[-1]
backUpDir = R'\\XXX\XXXXX\XXXX\XXXXX\otherFiles\GoogleDocBackUp' + '\\'
today =
if not os.path.exists(backUpDir + str(today)):
os.mkdir(backUpDir + str(today))
backupDir = backUpDir + str(today)
tempfile.tempdir = backupDir
file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.xls')
uri = '' % key
spreadsheets_client = gdata.spreadsheet.service.SpreadsheetsService() =
spreadsheets_client.password = self.gd_client.password
spreadsheets_client.source = "My Fancy Spreadsheet Downloader"
# ...
docEntry = self.gd_client.GetDocumentListEntry(uri)
docs_auth_token = self.gd_client.GetClientLoginToken()
self.gd_client.Export(docEntry, file_path[1])
shutil.copy(file_path[1], backupDir + '//' + title + '.xls')
I had looked at creating a tempfile.Temporary file instead of the mkstemp, but I was getting permissions errors. (I suspect that the temporary file tried to delete the directory that I gave it as well)
So back to the meat of the problem. I try to use os.remove on these temporary files and python will not relinquish its hold on it. (I know that my os.remove code works because I ran that function on some of the left over temporary files and they were deleted without problems.)
I would love some here--If I can delete the temporary files--great. If I can't, is there anyway to rename a file in place in python?
So far, I've gotten some suggestions about grabbing the file handle that the mkstemp SHOULD return...but I am not having any luck. When I look at it in the debugger, I only see an integer and the file path.
UPDATE! I think I fixed it: I just had to call os.close on filepath[0] and it looks like it closed! Thanks everyone! Here is the updated code
Thanks again.
Sorry if this is something obvious, but just checking, you are closing the files when you are done with them before trying to delete them right?
"returns a tuple containing an OS-level handle to an open file (as would be returned by
and the absolute pathname of that file, in that order"
So I would try the close()
call on your file handle before trying to delete it.