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Make VS jump to line x in editor

Im writing a policy plugin for VS which checks several issues with the code. If an issue occurs it will be displayed in the policy warnings tab. Now I want to jump to the line where the issue occurs in the editor when I double click it in the policy warning tab. How can I do that?

namespace PolicyPlugin
    public class MyPolicyPlugin : PolicyBase

        //called if the user clicks on a policy warning
        public override void Activate(PolicyFailure failure)
            // make jump to line x



  • You could try to get DTE automation object first:

    EnvDTE.DTE dte = (EnvDTE.DTE)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(EnvDTE.DTE));

    or use alternative ways to get it.

    An then execute standard command (that's what happens when you press CTRL+G in Visual Studio)

    DTE.ExecuteCommand("Edit.Goto", "1234")

    Note: I'm not sure about exact ExecuteCommand method signature. Also you can manipulate IDE the same way for other commands.