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Avoid CSS expressions

I understand what a CSS expression is, YSlow is reporting that my page is using one:

Grade B on Avoid CSS expressions

There are a total of 1 expression

    inline <style> tag #3 (1 expression)

However, I cannot find where this is coming from? I tried searching all my files for the word "expression" (trying to find the expression() function) and am coming up blank. Is there anything else that YSlow could be considering a css expression that I am missing?


  • YSlow claims that you have an inline style, so at least it is not from a css file. If you can't find the <style> in your own html, something else is adding this to your code.

    This could maybe an external JavaScript, or maybe it comes from an browser extension you added, e.g a developer tool.

    In your browser debug console type document.getElementsByTagName("style") to list all <style> in your generated document