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Path helpers for nested controllers / namespaces

I have routes structure:

  namespace :admin do
    resources :currencies

rake routes output:

admin_currencies     GET /admin/currencies(.:format) admin/currencies#index
                     POST /admin/currencies(.:format) admin/currencies#create
new_admin_currency   GET /admin/currencies/new(.:format) admin/currencies#new
edit_admin_currency  GET /admin/currencies/:id/edit(.:format) admin/currencies#edit
      admin_currency GET /admin/currencies/:id(.:format) admin/currencies#show
                     PUT /admin/currencies/:id(.:format) admin/currencies#update
                     DELETE /admin/currencies/:id(.:format) admin/currencies#destroy

Admin is a namespace.

The form generated by scaffold looks like

= form_for @currency do |f|
  - if @currency.errors.any?
        = pluralize(@currency.errors.count, "error")
        prohibited this currency from being saved:
        - @currency.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
          %li= msg
    = f.label :title
    = f.text_field :title
    = f.label :iso_code
    = f.text_field :iso_code
    = f.submit

I've changed = form_for @currency to = form_for admin_currencies_path(@currency) but it still failing due to form`s action is /admin/currencies/new instead of /admin/currencies.

What I do wrong?



  • Try form_for [:admin, @currency].