I just wrote a very simple perl tk script to read a huge text file and display it with Text widget and attached it to Scrollbar widget. Now my problem is that each time i run the script , it displays from the first sentence ( of the whole text file ) onwards. How can i make the script remember my position in the text and display the same area when i quit and start the script again i.e if i read the 1000 th line of the text and quit the script, script should show the 1000th line onwards when i again run it. ( or in other words remember the scroll position)
I am not a professional in perl tk nor perl but trying my best to learn it. Please give a reply explaining it lucidly
If you close your perl script, it ends. It cannot remember anything, it's not there anymore. But, you can make the script to save the position to a file, and upon startup, you can try to read the position from the file. See the following example:
use warnings;
use strict;
use Tk;
my $file = 'input.txt';
my $config = '.viewtext.conf';
my $mw = MainWindow->new(-title => 'Remember Position');
my $t = $mw->Scrolled("Text", -scrollbars => 'se')->pack;
my $b = $mw->Button(-text => 'Quit', -command => \&quit)->pack;
open my $FH, '<', $file or die $!;
close $FH;
if (-f $config) {
open my $FH, '<', $config or die $!;
my ($x0, $x1, $y0, $y1) = split / /, <$FH>;
$t->xviewMoveto($x0); # Here we restore the saved position
sub quit {
open my $CONF, '>', $config or die $!;
print {$CONF} join ' ', $t->xview, $t->yview; # This is the current position
close $CONF;
If you are going to open several different files, you have to remember the path to the file together with the position.