I am building a meta search engine and am wondering if a python framework would be necessary? I've been looking a web2py and django and they both seem like overkill for what I need. The basic idea for my metasearch is as follows:
User enters data in search bar
The search query is preprocessed (tokenized)
The tokenized query is sent to 3 search engines through API's. Boolean terms will be recognised where specified by the user (e.g. car AND engine)
The results are returned and stored in a dictionary and/or multiple lists. Probably lists if possible
The results are aggregated using a Markov Chain algorithm and output to the user
I intend on using HTML for the front end stuff and python for the back end. If I don't need a framework for this, is there anything else that I need to consider?
This really depends on what you mean by “framework”. There are small HTTP frameworks for Python such as Flask, Bottle or CherryPy. They make it much easier to do any kind of HTTP processing, compared to raw CGI, WSGI or what have you. Of course you can also process forms with them, so you don’t need PHP.