I have an ASP.NET MVC application that uses Fluent NHibernate and AutoMapper. I am primarily using AutoMapper to map my Models to ViewModels and vice versa.
When doing the latter, mapping from my viewmodel back to a model, I am wondering how I can map this to a specific instance from the DB, so when I commit the changes back to the DB (using my NHibernate repository layer, via my service layer), the changes are persisted.
var advert = Mapper.Map<AdvertViewModel, Advert>(model);
_advertService.UpdateAdvert(advert); // then calls repo which commits current NHibernate trans * Nothing in the DB changes *
If I attempt to commit my NHibernate session, so as to UPDATE this advert in the DB, despite the advert being assigned the correct Key/Id as part of the mapping, I guess because the NHibernate session knows nothing about this advert instance(?) it doesn't write away the changes.
Therefore, I am wondering how to handle this mapping scenario in conjunction with NHibernate?
You could do the following:
// fetch the domain model to update
var domainModelToUpdate = _advertService.Get(viewModel.Id);
// Map the properties that are present in the view model to the domain model
// leaving other properties intact
Mapper.Map<AdvertViewModel, Advert>(viewModel, domainModelToUpdate);
// Update the domain model
But if the view model already contains everything, you don't need to fetch the domain model before updating. All you have to do is to specify the unsaved-value
on your identity column mapping to so that NHibernate knows whether an instance is transient or not and then use SaveOrUpdate
Id(x => x.ID).WithUnsavedValue(0);
or if you are using nullable integers for your identities pass null