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Is there any link between functional programming and strong typing?

All of the "pure" functional languages are strong typed. Is there any link between those?


  • Mercury (in which you can do functional programming, but is more of a pure logic programming language) actually has an explicit static purity system. Every predicate or function is statically known to be pure or impure (or semipure, but I'm not going to go into that in detail). Putting a call to an impure function inside a pure function (pure is the default) will result in an error detected at compile time.

    It also has a static type system, in which the type of every expression/variable is statically known by the compiler, and type errors are detected at compile time. But the type system is completely independent of the purity system (in that you can have pure, impure, and semipure functions of any given type).

    So we can imagine a different language with the same static purity system but in which the types of expressions/variables are not statically known, and may vary dynamically at runtime. One could even imagine such a language having "weak types" in the sense of PHP (i.e. the language will try to convert values such that operations that don't make sense on the value's type can actually be performed), or in the sense of C (i.e. you can convince the language to store values of one type in a variable the language will treat as if it were a different type).

    One could also imagine a language in which the purity was not statically known but still enforced at runtime. The language would have to do something such as keeping track of whether it was in an pure call, and if so rejecting calls to impure primitive operations.

    So in that sense, no there's no link between strong typing and pure programming.

    However, languages which actually enforce purity (rather than merely encouraging it, as in Scala) have traditionally achieved this by static analysis. Indeed, one of the motivations for pure code is that it is much more susceptible to static analysis than code which is impure in arbitrary ways. A contrived example is that a function which takes a boolean argument and returns something can be known to return one of at most two results if it is pure; if it is not known to be pure then the language has to assume it might return something different at every single invocation.. And if you're interested in doing static analysis of your code and you have this static analysis system for enforcing purity, you might as well make it enforce type safety as well. So there's just "not that much call" for languages which enforce purity but don't have strong static type systems. I'm not aware of any that actually exist (there's not all that many languages that enforce purity at all, as far as I know).