I need a trigger that receives data from users (Bulk load of about 1000 records) and store them in a Salesforce database. The problem is that users can show up more than once in Trigger.new
or even on a different batch. The custom object name is CBK_User
and has an EXTERNAL_ID
(unique) called USER_ID
. In my code I check that the users does not yet exist in the database:
Map<String, CBK_User__c> users = new Map<String,CBK_User__c>
([select Id, USER_ID__c from CBK_User__c where USER_ID__c in : userIds]);
(userIds has the external ids of the Trigger.new objects)
When a I try to insert, it gives me the error:
DUPLICATE_VALUE, duplicate value found: USER_ID__c duplicates value on
record with id: a1QJ0000000HRd8"
How do I prevent duplicate values on bulk insert?
I've adapted your problem to this basic example (Exercise 2: Lead duplicate prevention)
You should clean first the "new" list from duplicated entries, and then clean from existing in db.
trigger CBK_UserDuplicatePreventer on CBK_User__c (before insert, before update) {
//Enter a map declaration to hold records which we will add,
// this will become a unique map, no duplicate values within it.
Map<String, CBK_User__c> cbkUserMap = new Map<String, CBK_User__c>();
//The next few lines loop across the array of records that are passed into
//the trigger in bulk fashion from any API or User Interface database operation.
//The goal of this loop is to ensure that there are no duplicates within
//the batch that we have received and to gather a list of externalIds that we will use later
for (CBK_User__c cbkUser : System.Trigger.new) {
/* Make sure we don't treat an externalId that
isn't changing during an update as a duplicate. */
if ((cbkUser.USER_ID__c != null) && (System.Trigger.isInsert ||
(cbkUser.USER_ID__c != System.Trigger.oldMap.get(cbkUser.Id).USER_ID__c))) {
// Make sure another new CBK_User__c isn't also a duplicate
if (cbkUserMap.containsKey(cbkUser.USER_ID__c)) {
cbkUser.USER_ID__c.addError('Another new CBK_User__c has the same USER_ID.');
} else {
cbkUserMap.put(cbkUser.USER_ID__c, cbkUser);
// Using a single database query, find all the CBK_User__c in
// the database that have the same USER_ID as ANY
// of the CBK_User__c being inserted or updated. */
for (CBK_User__c cbkUser : [SELECT USER_ID__c FROM CBK_User__c WHERE USER_ID__c IN :cbkUserMap.KeySet()]) {
CBK_User__c newCbkUser = cbkUserMap.get(cbkUser.USER_ID__c);
newCbkUser.USER_ID__c.addError('A CBK_User__c with this USER_ID already exists.');