A RTE link of a newsitem was not shown in tt_news List. I could get it displayed with this TS for tt_news
plugin.tt_news.displayList {
content_stdWrap.parseFunc < lib.parseFunc_RTE
plugin.tt_news {
general_stdWrap.parseFunc = < lib.parseFunc_RTE
Both methods appear in the Ext Manual. And that's the point, nothing like this in the Ext Manual of tx_newscalendar. )-:
I have some News which are displayed with tt_news fe plugin.
But on another page i need to display the news with tx_newscalendar fe plugin. I can not find a solution to get the same thing work with newscalendar. I hoped that parseFunc for newscalendar inherits from tt_news, but not.
I tried something like this which is displayed in ts objectbrowser
listView.content_stdWrap.parseFunc < lib.parseFunc_RTE
but links are display like this in sourcecode:
<link htpp:mydomainde="" />Mysite</link>
Why htpp:, this looks realy rare?
plugin.tx_newscalendar_pi1.render.parserFunction which could be found in the Ext Manual of the plugin is just for htmlentities, not for parseFunc_RTE.
Does somebody know, how to show links in newscalendar list?
Man, sometimes it's typologic ;-)
I get the same result like for tt_news above with:
plugin.tx_newscalendar_pi1 {
listView.subheader_stdWrap.parseFunc < lib.parseFunc_RTE
I saw in the calendar list template, that tx_newscalendar gets it's content with marker subheader ... and so it works with overriding the stdWrap for it.
So the problem is solved.