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Automatic Deployment Resources

I know enough to know that we need to get our application to deploy with a single user action. However, I don't know:

  1. What are some good tools to use in a .NET shop?
  2. How do you manage config changes for each of your environments?

Can someone point me to some good resources for continous integration. I'd like to see some theory as well as a step by step practical guide.

I'm in need to automated a web deployment right now; however, I'd also like to learn how to do this for desktop apps.


  • I wrote a blog post that may be helpful:

    Visual Studio Web Deployment Projects

    It is a year and a half old, but talked about some new (at that time) project templates for VS and also a command-line utility from the IIS team called MSDeploy. They sounded really promising and it appeared they are ideal for targeting multiple build configurations, syncing multiple servers across a farm, and more control all around about the actual output of your website deployment.

    Perhaps by now the technologies have matured as well.