I have an Indy Server TIdTCPServer
which has 3 bindings for different ports. If I connect a client to those 3 ports, and then deactivate the server, it gets stuck in what appears to be a deadlock. No matter what I do, it won't respond to my click, it won't even report "not responding" to Windows. If I disconnect the client(s) before deactivating the server, everything goes just perfect. I mean "deactivating" as in Server.Active:= False;
Has anyone else experienced this? What might be causing it? I have nothing happening in here which crosses over threads which could in turn cause a deadlock (for example GUI updates). I tried an Antifreeze component TIdAntiFreeze
but no luck.
is a multi-threaded component. A deadlock during server deactivation means that one or more of its client threads is not terminating correctly. That usually means that your server event handlers are doing something they should not be doing, typically either catching and discarding Indy's internal exceptions to itself, synchronizing with the thread context that is busy terminating the server, or deadlocking on something else outside of Indy. Without seeing your actual code, there is no way to know for sure which is actually the case, but it is always user error that causes this kind of deadlock.
only affects Indy components that run in the context of the main thread. TIdTCPServer does not.