I created a fullscreen flash app on http://dominggus.nl/school/afstuderen/expo/
I used the SWFObject generator to create the embedding code. Furthermore, I need to put the screen.width/screen.height (with JavaScript) as flashVars to the SWF...
This all works perfectly on MAC on Chrome/FF but, on windows it only works in IE...chrome and Firefox refuse to go fullscreen...
how can that be?
edit: I already tried static/dynamic publishing with SWFObject, same results (see http://dominggus.nl/school/afstuderen/expo/index2.html for dynamic)
Ah looks like you're running into a flash run-time error but not seeing it in Chrome or FF cause of no Debug player installed, this is easy for FF just install the netscape compatible debug player to see the error (for Chrome the install is more complicated, due to it managing Flash player updates internally).
In FF I get this error:
SecurityError: Error #2152: Full screen mode is not allowed. at flash.display::Stage/set displayState() at nl.dominggus.infographic.ui::NoFullScreenPage/startButtonClickHandler()[/Users/dominggus/Documents/dpdk/eclipse_workspace/cmd_afstuderen_infographic/src/as/nl/dominggus/infographic/ui/NoFullScreenPage.as:54]
I believe this means the allowFullscreen parameter for the plugin isn't being set correctly.
Verify Flash player version here (bottom of page shows debug Yes/No): http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/find-version-flash-player.html
Get the appropriate Debug player for a given platform: http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html
Edit pasted from the docs
public static const FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE:String = "fullScreenInteractive"
Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 11.3, AIR 1.0, Flash Lite 4