I have read offline-access-removal , how to handle expired tokens and How to extend access token validity since offline_access deprecation too.
They tell about deprecation of offline access_token and a way to get 60 days long token.
But I have a very basic question.
Will I be able to post on behalf of user even when he/she is not online ? (ofcourse for 60 days with extended token )
In my next project, I need to post to user's page and wall from a rss feed automatically before user interaction. Will I be able to do so for 60 days ?
If your answer is yes, whats the Scenario 4: User logs out of Facebook
Yes, it will work. Though, this is TIAS question (try it and see).
In response to the edited question, "if the users logs out" – your access token will remain valid. That is still the same question.