Does anyone know if this is possible? I can't see to find much info about doing so other than to even recall a message both sender & receiver must be using Exchange and the e-mail has to be unread on the receiver's end. There's rarely a case where this would need to be done but even so it would be useful to know.
The FindControl ID for "Recall This Message" is 2511
, so you could use some code like this:
Sub SendRecall()
Dim obj As Object
Dim msg As Outlook.mailItem
Dim insp As Outlook.Inspector
' get selected item
Set obj = ActiveExplorer.Selection.item(1)
If TypeName(obj) = "MailItem" Then
Set msg = obj
Set insp = msg.GetInspector
' execute the command button for "Recall this message"
With insp
.CommandBars.FindControl(, 2511).Execute
.Close olDiscard
End With
End If
End Sub
Works in Outlook 2003, you did not post your version so I'm not sure if this solution will work for you.