I've never written Ajax before and I am currently trying to code up an infinite scrolling page. When the user scrolls down to the bottom of the page, more items are supposed to load, but right now they aren't loading. Here is my Javascript to detect when they hit the bottom and make the Ajax call:
//Find out how many items I have loaded and what filter I am using so I can make the Ajax call
var vloaded = <?php echo $i; ?>;
var vfilter = "<?php echo $filter ?>";
$(window).on('scroll', function () {
if ($(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop() >= $(document).height() - 10) {
//I have reached the bottom of the page, now load items
alert("loaded is " + vloaded + " and filter is " + vfilter);
{ filter: vfilter, loaded: vloaded },
function(responseText) {
//I've loaded the next 30 items, increment my counter for next time
vloaded +=30;
The alert is displaying when I hit the bottom, and my variable is incrementing correctly. I'm using Zend Framework, so the URL points to my getMoreAction()
function here:
public function getmoreAction()
//Used by Ajax to get more items for the infinite scroll
//Figure out how I'm filtering items and how many I've already loaded
$filter = $_POST['filter'];
$loaded = $_POST['loaded'];
echo "Filter is ".$filter;
echo "Loaded ".$loaded;
//Get all the items in the database ordered by filter
require_once(APPLICATION_PATH . '/models/ItemArray.php');
$items = ItemArray::getItems($user->getID(), $filter, $loaded );
//Return items back to Ajax call, converted to html
I already know the getItems
function works, because I'm also using it when the page first loads, and echoItems
is just a loop to echo the html for each item, which also works elsewhere. The echos in the action never execute, so I'm assuming there is something wrong with my post call such that I'm never even getting to this action.
2 suggestions.
instead of the window.onload
instead of $.post()
I refactored just so I could read it more easily.
// put these in the global scope
var vloaded = <?php echo $i; ?>;
var vfilter = "<?php echo $filter ?>";
// I forgot to leave this in
$(window).on('scroll', function ()
var height = $(window).height();
var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
var dHeight = $(document).height();
if( height + scrollTop >= dHeight - 10)
alert("loaded is " + vloaded + " and filter is " + vfilter);
// an AJAX request instead of a POST request
type: "POST",
url: "/organizer/getMore",
data: { filter: vfilter, loaded: vloaded },
dataType: "html",
success: function( responseText, textStatus, XHR )
// select the element with the ID grid and insert the HTML
$( "#grid" ).html( responseText );
// global variable
vloaded +=30;
} // if
); // on
} // ready