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Unable to build scipy with mkl on ubuntu 12.04

I am trying to build numpy and scipy on 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04 with Intel MKL.

I have installed all the prerequisites. The INTEL C++ complier and the Fortran compiler verision are all 2011 sp1 10.319 and MKL is the version within it.

I am following the installation instruction from INTEL's website.

I have successfully build and installed numpy.

When building scipy I encounted the problem as follows:

error: could note create '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy': Permission denied

when I try to put sudo in front of the install line, I got:

numpy.distutils.fcompiler.CompilerNotFound: intelem: f90 nor f77

Could anyone help me?



  • You'll need to specify that you want to use the intel compiler for both numpy and scipy. (Numpy doesn't require a fortran compiler, but it will use it, if present.)

    Try doing:

    python build --fcompiler=ifort
    sudo python install

    (or something similar) for both numpy and scipy.