I have a classes:
BasicObject : NSObject
AdvObject : BasicObject
in other class i make an instance by:
BasicObject *bObj = [[BasicObject alloc] initWithSomething:propertyOne andSomethingElse:propertyTwo];
BasicObject have two properties:
@interface BasicObject : NSObject
-(id)initWithSomething:propertyOne andSomethingElse:propertyTwo;
@property (strong,nonatomic) NSString* propertyOne;
@property (strong,nonatomic) NSArray* propertyTwo;
And then in initializer:
-(id)initWithSomething:propertyOne andSomethingElse:propertyTwo
if (self = [super init])
_propertyOne = propertyOne;
_propertyTwo = propertyTwo;
if(!propertyTwo) //this is not valid condition i know, not important here
AdvObject *aObj = [[AdvObject alloc] initWithBasic:self]; //here it what i'm more concern about
return aObj;
return self;
So there in AdvObject class in initializer i have:
@implementation AdvObject
@synthesize basics = _basics;
-(id)initWithBasic:(BasicObject *)bObj
if(self = [super init]) {
_basics = bObj;
return self;
And after that when i return this object of course i have a object.basics filled properly, but why i can't access object.propertyOne? (this is nil). What i'm doing wrong? Is this a right design?
Or, you could avoid this entire pattern as being overly clever and create a class factory method that returns either a BasicObject
or an AdvObject
depending on the parameters that were passed to it.