I have created a cube that worked fine when deploying. After a added another dimension and altered some attribute properties it didn´t want to deploy no more..
I have some warnings but at least the ones that starts with "Dimension"... are old ones and didn´t do anything with first deployment.
I have done some searching and some people say it´s proplem with Impersonation option in the data source but i have tried changes this:
I have tried to change from "Use the service account" to the other three but without success.
I am running DIBS in administration mode on win7. I am using SQL Server 2008R2.
In config manager i have setting: "Local System" but have tried change that one to without success.
In Management Studio i have granted all server roles in Security-Logins and no success.
What could be the issue?
Warning 1 Dimension [Internet Sales] : Create hierarchies in non-parent child dimensions.
Warning 2 Dimension [Date] : Create hierarchies in non-parent child dimensions.
Warning 3 Dimension [Customer] : Create hierarchies in non-parent child dimensions.
Warning 4 Dimension [Sales Territory] : Create hierarchies in non-parent child dimensions.
Warning 5 Dimension [Promotion] : Create hierarchies in non-parent child dimensions.
Warning 6 AttributeRelationship [Product].[Product Key].[English Description] : The name specified for the attribute relationship differs from the name of the related attribute.
Warning 7 AttributeRelationship [Product].[Subcategory].[Product Category Key] : The name specified for the attribute relationship differs from the name of the related attribute.
Warning 8 Dimension [Product] : Create hierarchies in non-parent child dimensions.
Warning 9 Errors in the OLAP storage engine: A duplicate attribute key has been found when processing: Table: 'dbo_DimDate', Column: 'FiscalYear', Value: '2006'. The attribute is 'Fiscal Year'.
Error 10 Internal error: The operation terminated unsuccessfully.
Error 11 Server: The operation has been cancelled.
you need to set your dimension key properly. I assume it would be something like FiscalYear + FiscalMonth: