I am testing that a web application is working as it is supposed to:
here is my script
setSpeed 7000
open router2/default.aspx?FIRID=10CAAR&SUMSTAT=1&SID=200ba6db-99d7-474b-a26b-8a0b9e772fec&PID=
click name=radio_43
clickAndWait id=ctl00_Content_btnContinue
verifyTextPresent United States Military
selectWindow null
I am using the setSpeed command because of that link shown below it ( router2/default.aspx?FIRID=10CAAR.... ) , which gets redirected took quickly and then generates a random URL(so I can't grab that URL).
That's why I put the 7 second delay. but it seems slow/inefficient.
There is no need to slow down the speed of execution just put pause
for few seconds if required.
use getAttribute method i.e. storeAttribute
in IDE to get the url you want to open.
when you use the open command selenium waits for the timeout period.