I'm trying to pull a project from git, in particular, this one: https://github.com/pocmo/Yaaic.
It is a library for IRC clients in android which I wanted to use to put an IRC client into an android app. As you can see from the root directory of this project there is no AndroidManifest.xml but there is a directory called "application" which does contain a manifest file. From this I'm assuming that the application directory contains a sample Android app which demonstrates an IRC client (the Yaaic app itself). However, when I import just the application directory as a project into Eclipse, it is filled with build path errors and results errors involving use of non-existing stuff. I tried importing the entire directory I directly pulled from git hub as a project and there are still lots of build path problems.
As for the project itself, I'm not really sure whether its the source code for the Yaaic app or its the source code for a library or platform for use in other Android projects. Hell, I'm not even sure I can use the Yaaic project as a library for IRC functionality in my own Android apps.
I'm fairly new to Android development and development on Eclipse in general only experience is some dummy projects from university and the tutorials from the android development website.
As author of Yaaic I should be able to help you with that. :)
Your initial idea is right: There are a bunch of folders but the "application" folder is the one you want to import as a project.
Yaaic has some dependencies to other libraries. I don't use a tool for dependency management (e.g. maven) yet so I ship the needed libraries in the "libs" folder.
So what you need to do is:
Eclipse may be bitchy so you sometimes need to "refresh" or "clean" the project in order to build it successfully.
I want to switch to maven-based builds soon. That should make things much easier. ;)