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Saving 'tree /f /a" results to a textfile with unicode support

I'm trying to use the tree command in a windows commandline to generate a text file listing the contents of a directory but when I pipe the output the unicode characters get stuffed up.

Here is the command I am using:

tree /f /a > output.txt

The results in the console window are fine:

\---Erika szobája
        Erika szobája.m3u
        Kátai Tamás - 01 Télvíz.ogg
        Kátai Tamás - 02 Zölderdõ.ogg
        Kátai Tamás - 03 Renoir kertje.ogg
        Kátai Tamás - 04 Esõben szaladtál.ogg
        Kátai Tamás - 05 Ázik az út.ogg
        Kátai Tamás - 06 Sûrû völgyek takaród.ogg
        Kátai Tamás - 07 Õszhozó.ogg
        Kátai Tamás - 08 Mécsvilág.ogg
        Kátai Tamás - 09 Zúzmara.ogg

But the text file is no good:

\---Erika szob ja
        Erika szob ja.m3u
        K tai Tam s - 01 T‚lv¡z.ogg
        K tai Tam s - 02 Z”lderdä.ogg
        K tai Tam s - 03 Renoir kertje.ogg
        K tai Tam s - 04 Esäben szaladt l.ogg
        K tai Tam s - 05 µzik az £t.ogg
        K tai Tam s - 06 S–r– v”lgyek takar¢d.ogg
        K tai Tam s - 07 åszhoz¢.ogg
        K tai Tam s - 08 M‚csvil g.ogg
        K tai Tam s - 09 Z£zmara.ogg

How can I fix this? Ideally the text file would be exactly the same as the output in the console window.

I tried Chris Jester-Young's suggestion (what happened, did you delete it Chris?) of running the command line with the /U switch, it looked like exactly what I needed but it does not appear to work. I have tried opening the file in both VS2008 and notepad and both show the same incorrect characters.


  • Have someone already tried this:

    tree /f /a |clip

    Open notepad, ctrl + V, save in notepad as output.txt with unicode support?