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Passing a pointer to member function

There are a number of examples out there but yet I can't seem to figure out the solution to my problem. I have

class FooSource{

    void StartGetFoos(void (*callback)(vector<IFoo*>*, IAsyncResult));

When StartGetFoos() is called, a request it done to get Foos, saving the callback. when the request it complete (takes about 30 secs), the saved callback is called with results. I cannot change the signature of this method.

and somewhere else I have a class

class FooUser {

    void FooUser::MyCallback(vector<IFoo*>* foos, IAsyncResult result) 
          // marshall to UI thread and update UI

    void init()
         // how do I pass my callback member function here?


  • There's nowhere on the signature void (*callback)(vector<IFoo*>*, IAsyncResult) for you to receive a this pointer, so you can't use a member function. Instead you'll have to use a static member function:

    class FooUser {
        static void MyCallback(vector<IFoo*>* foos, IAsyncResult result) 
              // marshall to UI thread and update UI
        void init()

    The issue here is that you won't be able to access any instance data on FooUser; this may or may not be a problem.

    Depending on how well the API is designed, there may be a way to pass an instance pointer e.g. via IAsyncResult result.