So I installed the pecl oauth module locally, and it all works perfectly. I then tried to do this for the production server but ran into some problems.
If I say sudo pecl install oauth, I get this error:
No releases available for package ""
install failed
So I figure I have to update, so I try the command sudo pecl channel-update
, but then I get this output:
Updating channel ""
Channel "" is not responding over http://, failed with message:
Connection to '' failed: Connection refused
Trying channel "" over https:// instead
Cannot retrieve channel.xml for channel "" (Connection to `' failed: Connection refused)
Any ideas?
Ok, I figured out a way around it. You set up a proxy, but not the normal export http_proxy: way. Here's the command:
sudo pear config-set http_proxy http://username:password@yourproxy:yourport