I am having trouble getting a png file to display in a simple Flash application I am building using Haxe and FlashDevelop.
Step taken
I then try to display the embedded image:
var bitmap:Bitmap;
bitmap = new PlayerBitmap();
bitmap.x = 200;
bitmap.y = 200;
The code compiles and generates a swf file but the image is not shown. Any pointers?
I have solved the issue by creating two simple test projects to load an image. The first worked and the second failed. There was one difference between the projects one had a package.
The working project my Main does not have a package it is compiled like this -main Main
The failing project is identical except the main is in a package and it compiles like this -main org.alexjeffery.Main
To get the image to load when my main was in the org.alexjeffery package I set the image name to org.alexjeffery.PlayerBitmap instead of PlayerBitmap.
I have now written a tutorial on how to embed images using FlashDevelop and Haxe.