I want to open a MFC modeless dialog from a MFC dll injected into another process, the dll's job is to hook the winsock send & recv, and the dialog will be the interface to communicate with the dll. The dll should be able to run the hook while the dialog is running.
BOOL CDriverApp::InitInstance()
if (!AfxSocketInit())
return FALSE;
AfxMessageBox("I'm In!");
DetourUpdateThread( GetCurrentThread() );
DetourAttach( &(PVOID &)RealSend, MySend );
DetourAttach( &(PVOID &)RealRecv, MyRecv );
if ((DetourTransactionCommit()) == NO_ERROR)
AfxMessageBox("Winsock hooked");
dlg = new ControlDlg();
m_pMainWnd = dlg;
return TRUE; <---
is the dialog which is a member of CDriverApp
From what i have observed, the dialog is destroyed because the thread has exited and the memory that hold the dialog is removed.
The thread '_DllMainCRTStartup' (0x418) has exited with code 1657602048 (0x62cd0000).
I have read MFC modeless dialog close immediately thread, but my InitInstance()
already returned true
from the first place, so it's a different problem (i think)
So, my question is how to prevent the dialog from destroyed? Or perhaps prevent the thread from exit? or is it doable with a modal dialog?
This may be your problem:
Regular DLLs must have a CWinApp-derived class and a single object of that application class, as does an MFC application. However, the CWinApp object of the DLL does not have a main message pump, as does the CWinApp object of an application.
Note that the CWinApp::Run mechanism does not apply to a DLL, because the application owns the main message pump. If the DLL opens modeless dialogs or has a main frame window of its own, the application's main message pump must call a routine exported by the DLL that in turn calls the CWinApp::PreTranslateMessage member function of the DLL's application object.
THis shows how to do what you are doing with a cWnd instead of a CDialog. Personally I think thats a better way to go.
Here is an example of attaching a message hook to a modeless.