I am configuring xmonad, and since I have to start a couple of dzen instances, I decided that it could be better to use a function that takes the parameters for x and y position, width, height and text align:
-- mydzen.hs
import Data.List
-- | Return a string that launches dzen with the given configuration.
myDzen :: Num a => a -> a -> a -> Char -> String -> String
myDzen y x w ta e =
intercalate " "
[ "dzen2"
, "-x" , show x
, "-w" , show w
, "-y" , show y
, "-h" , myHeight
, "-fn" , quote myFont
, "-bg" , quote myDBGColor
, "-fg" , quote myFFGColor
, "-ta" , [ta]
, "-e" , quote e
quote :: String -> String
quote x = "'" x "'"
-- dummy values
myHeigth = "20"
myFont = "bitstream"
myDBGColor = "#ffffff"
myFFGColor = "#000000"
Could not deduce (Show a) arising from a use of `show'
from the context (Num a)
bound by the type signature for
myDzen :: Num a => a -> a -> a -> Char -> String -> String
at mydzen.hs:(5,1)-(17,13)
Possible fix:
add (Show a) to the context of
the type signature for
myDzen :: Num a => a -> a -> a -> Char -> String -> String
In the expression: show x
In the second argument of `intercalate', namely
`["dzen2", "-x", show x, "-w", ....]'
In the expression:
intercalate " " ["dzen2", "-x", show x, "-w", ....]
Obviously, deleting the signature, or changing Num a
for Show a
solves the issue, but I can't understand why. The 'arguments' x
, w
and y
are supposed to be almost any kind of numbers (100
, 550.2
, 1366 * 0.7
I'm new to haskell and until now I haven't been able to (clearly) understand the error or find what's wrong.
Previously, Show
and Eq
were superclasses of Num
and the code would compile.
In the new GHC, from version 7.4, this has changed, now Num
does not depend on Show
and Eq
, so you need to add them to signatures.
The reason is separation of concerns - there are numeric types with no sensible equality and show function (computable reals, rings of functions).