I am having a web application with a production with hundreds of real users..
I needed to have one test environment with the state of production, as the application is data-driven, states of application change from data, things can-not be tested, if no real user data exists...
But as it has real emails its risk in testing, as testing emails cana go to real users..
So I needed a mechanism to change the emails to something not real, but as email field is unique, how do I change all of them with one query..
My colleague suggested that a email with +any_number ex. rajat@gmail.com
and rajat+27@gmail.com
will send the emails to same email..
So I wrote a some query
update users set email = CONCAT(CONCAT('rajat+',id),'@gmail.com')
and it solved the problem..Now I can operate in testing enviornment with production data..
My Questions:
1) How does it work??
2) Is it a right approach?? How do people manage test and production environments??
I prefer to change the code low level instead of changing the database. For example:
function sendEmail($to, ...) {
if (APPLICATION_ENV != 'production') {
$to = "dev@.....";
// continue ...
This way you always ensure the recipient address is changed to a test address, even if the address came from a different source like a form.