In C# I can convert any char from my string to integer in the following manner
int i = 3;
Convert.ToInt32( intS[i].ToString());
What is the shortest equivalent of this code in Objective-C ?
The shortest one line code I've seen is
[NSNumber numberWithChar:[intS characterAtIndex:(i)]]
Many interesting proposals, here.
This is what I believe yields the implementation closest to your original snippet:
NSString *string = @"123123";
NSUInteger i = 3;
NSString *singleCharSubstring = [string substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(i, 1)];
NSInteger result = [singleCharSubstring integerValue];
NSLog(@"Result: %ld", (long)result);
Naturally, there is more than one way to obtain what you are after.
However, As you notice yourself, Objective-C has its shortcomings. One of them is that it does not try to replicate C functionality, for the simple reason that Objective-C already is C. So maybe you'd be better off just doing what you want in plain C:
NSString *string = @"123123";
char *cstring = [string UTF8String];
int i = 3;
int result = cstring[i] - '0';
NSLog(@"Result: %d", result);