I'm trying to display an inline dialog (that is, aui-inline-dialog, not aui-dialog) in my Liferay 6.1 portal. However I can not get the examples on https://developer.atlassian.com/display/AUI/Inline+Dialog to work.
I tried this:
<a href="#" id="inlineDialog"> Inline Dialog </a>
<script type="text/javascript">
AUI().ready('aui-inline-dialog', 'aui-overlay-manager', function(A) {
A.InlineDialog(A.one("#inlineDialog"), "myDialog", function(content, trigger, showPopup) {showPopup();}, {onHover: true});
but it just says that InlineDialog is not a function.
What am I missing? (Or is there a better way to display tooltips with more than just textual content?)
Just found the problem: aui-inline-dialog is not included in Liferay.
My solution:
and <header-portlet-javascript>/js/aui.js</header-portlet-javascript>
to your liferay-portlet.xml file<header-portlet-css>/css/aui.css</header-portlet-css>
to your liferay-portlet.xml fileResult: You should now be able to use AUI like in the FlatPack examples, e.g.
<a href="#" id="popupLink">Hover Link</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
AJS.InlineDialog(AJS.$("#popupLink"), 1,
function(content, trigger, showPopup) {
content.css({"padding":"16px"}).html('<a href="http://example.com">Appended content.</a>');
return false;
}, {