I want to do this on my view but it´s not working:
<?php echo $user->group->name;?>
I have 3 tables
- users (id, name)
- groups (id, name)
- users_groups (id, user_id, group_id)
I have 2 models
class User extends ActiveRecord\Model
static $belongs_to = array(
array('group', 'through' => 'users_groups')
class Group extends ActiveRecord\Model
static $has_many = array(
array('users' , 'through' => 'users_groups')
My models are wrong or miss something? I need another model users_groups? If is yes, how would be called?
I need help, i don´t find the correct way.
The solution is:
class User extends ActiveRecord\Model
static $has_many = array(
array('groups', 'through' => 'usersgroups', 'order'=>'id asc'),
class Group extends ActiveRecord\Model
static $has_many = array(
array('users' , 'through' => 'usersgroups'),
class UsersGroup extends ActiveRecord\Model
static $table_name = 'users_groups';
static $belongs_to = array(
The problem was with the name of the of third model (UsersGroup in singular)