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Automatically split (refactor) .h into header and implementation (h+cpp)

When writing C++ code, I often start by writing full 'implementation' code in my header files, then later need to refactor the implementation into a .cpp file.

This is great, but I find this process laborious, but otherwise pretty easy, so I wondered about whether is there any automated way to do this?

Specifically, I want to convert all class and function definitions in the .h to declarations, and have them declared in a new .cpp file.

I'm using xcode, but I am open to any solutions.


  • There is Lazy C++ where you only write one .lzz file and it generates .h and .cpp for you.

    I am really looking forward for C++ modules where you only write .cpp and the import file is generated automatically. But we will have to wait for a few years even though Clang has started to implement modules. Here are some examples.